A Cluttered Mind

Candy blogs: I am a cluttered soul. I’ve tried several “systems” over the years to get my clutter under control. I start out strong but never finish. I know the basics … everything must have a home, don’t deal with an item more than once; remove old items before bringing new ones in, de-clutter in small chunks instead of tackling the entire house or garage.

It’s easy to start strong. Buying a new “system” or reading all the rules of the system is very exciting. I love new stuff and new concepts and new starts. I’m the best initiator EVUH! But I am easily distracted and kindof lazy.

One of my serious downfalls is my love for mugs. I really like mugs. I like choosing which mug I’ll be using each morning.

Pretty Purple Mug from my MIL
Christmas Mug w/bagels
Oh! My HEARTS mug! I love this one. Also from my MIL.
Unlimited Blessings Mug- it says "Grateful for Simple Blessings"
Scott's military jet mug and my BEAUTIFUL lilacs mug...ahhhh

I would even like to have MORE mugs but my cupboard space is finite. I can’t just have only mugs in the cupboard. Right now I couldn’t fit a single additional mug in that cupboard. Well, if I got rid of my husband’s three mugs I could possibly fit in more … There is my problem. I don’t want to get rid of the old before bringing in the new. Thus, my home is cluttered with things that don’t have a home or got crowded out of their home or are waiting for the next exciting organizational item to be dealt with. Is this how hoarding begins?! Oh, my stars!

Oh, my!

I recently read that “clutter is anything that if you were to put your home up for sale you would move into the garage to make your space feel less cluttered. These things should be donated or tossed.” Humph. I know what clutter is. I am reminded every time I’m at someone’s house who doesn’t let clutter get the best of them. It feels peaceful there. There is a sense of well-being. It feels slower there. My mind is instantly at ease and at rest. What a contrast to my cluttered mind and home. It would seem that these gentle phrases and the emotions they inspire would be worth what it takes to achieve them.

My obstacles begin with how I spend my time. It’s not that I don’t have time to de-clutter. It’s that I haven’t yet chosen to do so. I’m a bit of a dreamer. I’d rather be blogging or Facebooking or writing new talks or having coffee with a friend or editing photographs. If you tell me I have to do something by a certain time or on a certain day, I will wait until the very last minute to comply. (I HAVE matured in this area. When I was a young woman I just didn’t comply at all much of the time.) I have never been very disciplined.

By working full time for so long, I did learn many administrative skills that get me through project deadlines and undesirable tasks. I do always accomplish my tasks. I just have to keep talking myself into it.

So de-cluttering is on my mind again.

I enjoyed these tips for de-cluttering for a more simple, restful life:

Step one:  Make room for the new. Remove old clothing, shoes, books, MUGS before bringing home new ones.
Step two:  Clearly define what is most important to you this year. Give it measure and descriptive detail. Be specific and then base your decisions this year on what your priorities are.
Step three: Learn to use The Golden Phrase. Each time you say “yes” to something new, you must say “no” to something you’re already doing.
Step Four: Create an environment that makes success convenient. This one really speaks to my cluttered mind. It’s really all about convenience. It’s why I have piles. Because it’s not convenient to find a home for the things in the piles. Why not make success convenient?

Would love to hear from fellow cluttered minds. I’m going to give this another go.

Published by Candy Troutman

I offer services in the areas of public speaking, personal finance coaching, social media management, content creation/copywriting, personal & faith-based mentoring & small business coaching.

9 thoughts on “A Cluttered Mind

  1. Beautiful blog, Candy. It reminds me a favorite verse from an old hymn:

    “Drop Thy still dews of quietness,
    ‘Til all my striving cease.
    Take from my soul the strain and stress,
    And let my ordered life confess
    The beauty of Thy peace.”

    That is an oft’ breathed prayer of mine. I am one of those previously very cluttered minds that has been finding order in increasing increments for awhile now. Once I got a taste for it, I never wanted to go back. Still have quite a ways to go, but I like my life much better now.

    I appreciate your thoughts so much!

    Be encouraged. You can do this (and anything else you set your mind to – Phil. 4:13), but it will happen one little step at a time. Someday, you will look back and be amazed at the ground you have covered!


    1. Shirley ~ Oh, goodness, I don’t know that hymn. It couldn’t be more perfect. What a gift to put vague thoughts into such piercing words. I have always admired your discipline in this area. I still hang my towels like you do.


    1. Kathy ~ It’s good to know we’re not alone, isn’t it? Everyone has something nagging in the background. Just so you know, I just put away Christmas this morning. It is January 20.


    1. Well, Sherri, the idea that the clutter should be dealt with has never gone away my whole life. And I usually use that as a gauge that it is Truth. It’s true that we didn’t have all these wonderful professional organizers and TV shows that teach us messies how to re-train our thinking when I was a young woman. But now there is no excuse. Light has come. LOL!


  2. I have gotten my clutter (mostly) under control. At one point I was on the path to becoming a hoarder. One of the things that really helped me was the concept that everything we on requires a bit of energy from us…and I started looking at excess stuff as an energy vampire, siphoning off all the energy I had for the things I wanted to do. Once I associated an energy drain with my extra junk, it was easier to get rid of it. I also had to stop thinking about how much I had paid for things, because if in your mind you associate a dollar amount to that piece of clutter, you’ll feel guilty for getting rid of it.

    My spouse sometimes gets a bit worried that if he sits still too long, I might put him in a box for Goodwill. My house is still full– just not overfull, but it took time, and it’s still a work in progress. I still find spots in my house that need a bit of decluttering. Only now, it’s a few things, not a whole truckload.


    1. What great advice, Lily! I love the thought that our possessions require something of us. It does give me pause to think of how much I want to “give” to my possessions. Wow. I really appreciate your post and am so happy that you are doing something about your cluttered mind. LOL!


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