Shaken, Not Stirred

Candy blogs: I have to admit that I’ve been on a real roller coaster ride over the past month as the clock has ticked closer to the closing of our Boise office at the end of this month. I’ve been UP and DOWN as we planned and executed a beautiful and moving Celebration of Marriage banquet at church on Valentine’s Day. I’ve been UP and DOWN preparing for ministry in eastern Washington this week. Very UP as I anticipated being used to build the Kingdom, but DOWN anticipating the unknowns and overcoming my weaknesses. I’ve been UP on some days as there seemed to be several jobs to apply for and now DOWN today, as there don’t seem to be any I am interested in.

And so I spent most of today doing the everyday things I truly hate … grocery shopping and sorting through seemingly endless medical paperwork. And then looking for jobs on the Internet. By the evening I was in a dark place. I skipped a lovely birthday party because I didn’t feel up to it, even though many of my most favorite people would be there. My husband tried to console me. He went to the party without me.

While he was gone I started reading some of my favorite blogs. One of the first I read was that of my beautiful friend and aunt, Shirley’s, Eager to be Free. I couldn’t believe it. She wrote it just for me. She says that we have to be ready to move when God lifts “the cloud” as he did with the Isrealites in the desert. If we don’t, we risk living without His power and presence in our lives! Oh, my stars, what had I been thinking?! I had grown very comfortable in my life, expecting God to just keeping working right there like He always had. I had forgotten to watch the cloud. It most surely is lifting in my life right now. I’d better get back under it instead of this dark place I let myself drift to.

What is real?
~ the marriage banquet touched many lives and strengthened relationsips; I also built relationships with other leaders.
~ my ministry in eastern Washington was exciting and positive and refreshing; it continued to confirm that I’m on the right path. The unknowns turned into adventure!
~ the Lord is moving me in a new direction; this isn’t something that just “happened” in my life. It has been orchestrated by God. I trust His choices for me.

I am shaken but not stirred!

For those reading from somewhere else:

Published by Candy Troutman

I offer services in the areas of public speaking, personal finance coaching, social media management, content creation/copywriting, personal & faith-based mentoring & small business coaching.

6 thoughts on “Shaken, Not Stirred

  1. Candy,
    Your “Shaken, Not Stirred” post reminds me of Paul’s experience when he described his afflictions as being more than he could bear and said it was “so that we would not trust in ourselves, but in God who raises the dead” (2 Corinthians 1:9, NAS). God’s resurrection power is at work in our lives. Paul prayed that believers would know “how very great is his power at work in us who believe. This power working in us is the same as the mighty strength which he used when he raised Christ from death and seated him at his right side in the heavenly world” (Ephesians 1:19-20, TEV). Keep trusting God. If God can raise the dead, He can resurrect hope in your circumstances.


    1. Christy ~ I love the strength of your words! Thank you so much for your strong encouragement with the Word of God. I am looking for the resurrection of hope! I know it’s there. Thank you, my friend.


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