Taking My Own Advice

Candy blogs: The sagging economy has become personal. My company will be closing its doors in our city on April 1, and I’ll be gone by the end of February. It wasn’t totally unexpected, but I was hoping to make the change on my terms and in my time. My husband and I have been through more than one season of being unemployed over the years, but it has never been ME before.

I’ve worked in this position for the last nine years, never looking forward to going to work for even a single day. I stayed for several reasons, the most important being that God never did release me until now. And although technically qualified for the work, I was never working in my passion or giftedness. The inner struggle was unbearable at times. I had spurts of being more settled for the sake of influencing others. But for the most part, I had a hole in my heart.
So now you would think I would be relieved and thrilled to know that my “sentence” is finally over.

I’ve been “moving toward joy” over the last few months. I know God is leading me more fully into a speaking and singing ministry, and I’ve been taking steps to move in that direction. But I’m still in the building stage. We’re not financially ready to jump off the cliff just yet. And I am definitely past my prime to be going back out into the marketplace looking for another job. Now begins the hard work …

Today my husband and I took stock of the income that would be coming in and went over our budget to see where to begin cutting: the satellite tv, the gym membership, the dining out, the rearranging of prescriptions, the convenience foods. Fortunately, we don’t have a lot of debt anymore since we’ve been doing the Dave Ramsey plan. But our emergency fund isn’t ready for a full on emergency like this. At this point it is unsettling to think of depending on speaking engagements for income.

During all of this discussing and planning and evaluating, I felt an old familiar gnawing. What advice would I give to someone else in this situation?!

I would advise that I DO everything I can DO. (check)
I would advise that I tell everyone I know of my sitation. (working on it)
I would advise that I enlist the prayer warriors to pray for God’s will to be clear. (working on it)
I would advise that I make sure my husband and I are on the same page. (unclear)
I would advise that I intensify the marketing of my speaking ministry. (almost there)
I would advise that I soak in all information regarding resumes and networking. I haven’t had to do that for TEN years! (scary)
I would advise that I trust the plans God has for me because He has always been faithful to me. (check)
I would advise that I listen to godly people whom I respect. (in progress)

Here are some things some godly people have said recently:
Shirley Bertholf – Eager to be Free
Donna Savage – Money Lessons from Little Women
Michael Hyatt – Six Ways to Take a Mini Sebatical

One of the songs from worship today:

I will walk through the fire, I will run and not grow tired
For I know You are faithful to me
Through the night I have peace, even though I cannot see
For I know You are faithful to me

I am safe in Your hands, and upon Your Word I stand
For I know You are faithful to me
When the storm clouds appear, there is love that conquers fear
Yes, I know you are faithful to me.
written by our worship pastor, Bob Diehm

Watching for God’s plan …

And here is the link to my blog, in case you’re reading this somewhere else.

Published by Candy Troutman

I offer services in the areas of public speaking, personal finance coaching, social media management, content creation/copywriting, personal & faith-based mentoring & small business coaching.

15 thoughts on “Taking My Own Advice

  1. Your writing & concrete/practical “to do” list is helpful and encouraging. Mostly, I find that in writing, my personal thoughts are lifted and clarified. I pray it is so for you, too.

    I believe God is using and will CONTINUE to use your honest and God-centered experiences to minister & comfort others. Maybe not always in a way that “pays” monetarily, but in kingdom rewards. Time and again I am reminded that Christ’s kingdom is “not of this world”. Unfortunately, for the present, we are greatly influenced by it…How to be “IN it” but not “OF it” is the tension and therein the adventure of faith!


    1. I agree, Rebecca, that writing our thoughts down helps to clarify them. One of the wonderful values of journaling. I love how you explained the tension and adventure of faith! Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement. I look forward to getting to know you.


  2. Hi Candy,
    Thanks for your comment on my blog, and for your kind words! I know what it is like to be in your place, and it can be very fearful and overwhelming!
    But it doesn’t have to be! I suggest you define your dream life work, and go after those jobs that compliment it and give you the income you need until you can get to the dream!
    That way you won’t waste this time in your journey on something you don’t like and are not equipped to do!
    Then I found having a “life coach” is helpful! There are lots of Christian ladies that would love to help you! I have been asked to do this type of ministry, but that is not my gift and passion! I just encourage others to find one!
    My coach is listed on my website and she is a Christian and does her work mainly over the phone! She offers a FREE 30 minute session, and is listed on my website.
    I will be praying for you, and please keep in touch. Call me anytime toll free at 1-888-766-3155!
    God has a plan and purpose for you and He tells us in Jere. 29:12-13 how to get it! He says Call upon Him, Come, and Pray to Him- and really mean it- giving your full will to Him to agree to do whatever He says to do to be able to live your dream and love it!
    Go for it all Candy, I love your heart and so does God! He is at work, and let’s laugh, enjoy, and see Him at work in all of this!
    Hugs and Blessings for a great week!
    “Simply” Sue


  3. Candy,
    I can hear through your words, that you are open to God’s will and work, and I am praying that He will show up big time in your life!
    You have my prayers and support…all the way!!


  4. Hang in there, Friend! Although these are scary times economically, I have experienced (in this past year of my own unemployment) that God IS faithful, that He KNOWS the plan (Jer 29:11), and that He causes ALL things to work together for good (Rom 8:28). I have to rest in that knowledge and be at peace – sometimes much harder done than said. 🙂
    I am praying for you and that He will clearly open the doors for you.
    love & hugs – Karmen


    1. I agree with you. I’ve been working on marketing all day. I’ve had several home businesses as well but have always worked full time at the same time. We’ll see what God has for us. Thanks for commenting on my blog. Looking forward to checking in with you from time to time.


  5. Candy, you are always such an encouragement to others. Now it’s time for others to encourage you. You are a beautiful person and would be an asset to a company that hires you in the future.

    If you’re not ready to become self-supporting as a speaker, consider how much you can support yourself in this manner. Maybe it’s time to go a quarter of the way or halfway and say you’ll bring in 25% of your income from speaking and only work about 30 hours in another job, or whatever suits your situation. Maybe God is trying to free up your time so you can speak MORE.

    I’m partially supporting myself as a writer and I work seasonally (I know we discussed this recently). This year I think my income will be about half and half. Maybe you’re not ready to go all the way, but think about whether you can go part way on the speaking ministry.

    Love and prayers to you, Candy.


    1. Thank you so much, Christy, for your kind words and encouragement. It means a lot to know that others care and are praying. I’m so enjoying this new world of blogging and the new friends I’m encountering.

      I am most definitely open to working part time while continuing to build the speaking ministry. I may have the option of doing some part time work for my company for a few months.

      This week and weekend I’ll be doing a real “push” for getting the word out there. We’ll see what happens.

      with love,


  6. That’s one of the ways I deal with dilemmas, too, is by going over what I would tell someone else in the same situation.

    I’m sorry about the layoff, but trusting God will lead as to what He wants you to do next.

    I just wrote about finding God’s will for your life for my son (http://barbarah.wordpress.com/2010/01/12/finding-gods-will-for-your-life/), but I imagine it is all pretty much stuff you know already.

    Proverbs 37:23: The steps of a good man (and woman, I’m sure 🙂 )are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.


    1. Thanks, Barbara. I did read your post about God’s will. Excellent and wise. I always follow you but don’t always leave comments due to time constraints. We could be friends if we lived close. 🙂 So glad the Lord has allowed our paths to cross. Thanks for your encouragement.


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